Monday, February 27, 2006

the country in turmoil

what can i say... i feel sick... literally... and this trouble broiling in this i don't know what kind of country is giving me all kinds of aches all over. sigh...

i must admit, i don't know a lot about politics. i don't watch local tv for allot'a reasons. the lost compelling is the headache it get listening to all the bad stuff that's happening. what i do know is that an armed conflict is never right whatever the reasons may be. it always will be a last choice for me if not entirely unavoidable. what's really getting on my nerves though, is people who are pretending to shun the idea of conflict but otherwise suddenly appear out of nowhere and douse the fire with fuel... hypocrites...

now, i don't claim sanctity but hey, neither do i deprive people of land do i? who among these politicians do you think should replace the president should she resign? who amongst those who say she should step down should have her place? she can always call a snap election and not run on it... but think about it, would that solve the crises of the country? who can? when all the while, every few months or so, with whoever is in malacaƱan, certain people will always feel abandoned, certain people will always claim the government abuse them, and clearly certain people will continue to use other people... people who need people, may not be the luckiest of people here. pfft...

i don't see the present president as a perfect president, and don't tell me i am a blind follower of a worthless leader. from my point of view, what is happening now is a result of our collective fault. people who lax their vigilance during the election process, and then say the process was manipulated by politicians to their advantage. people who bribe and those who accept bribes. people who forget how our forbearers sacrificed everything to give us the freedom that we apparently don't deserve. we forget... we were known for our unbreakable principles and integrity.

almost a three quarters of a century after we asked the americans to give us our freedom, we should reflect how far have we progressed from then... have we? or have we succumbed to the natural course of increasing disorder through time?

god be with us all

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