Sunday, August 14, 2005

Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile

i'm extremely enjoying this new game by tilted mill, its the next installment from pharoah and cleopatra from another company, they seem to have transfered the rights and i must say the new company did a really good job. the only trouble with game is that the people are never satisfied, well... that's all real ain't it!? but hey! give me some slack, im playing the game for enjoyment, not to suffer the headaches of a pharoah ^_^

a snapshot :

view ontowards my pyramid(still under construction) an an obelisk built on my honor (hehe)

1 comment:

Rob said...

The Pharaoh is the heart of Egypt, the land, its body, the heart, its people....

So long as the Pharaoh sleeps undisturbed, so shall Egypt endure....
